Self-hypnosis and its benefits

Self-hypnosis and its benefits

Self-hypnosis may be considered as the best way to relax and control stress. Self-hypnosis can be done at work, at home or any place you just need minutes to do it, it’s easy and you can learn it fast:

Choose a comfortable place such as lying on the bed for 10min away from any external influences.

Close your eyes and focus on relaxing your whole body from head to foot. Start with your feet and fingers and say “relax” many times till you feel the relaxation in all of your muscles. When you feel the relaxation in your feet keep focusing to move the relaxation to each place in your body.

Now move your concentration to your leg muscle, knees, belly, chest and back.
Feel the pleasure when the stress goes out of your body, breath slowly and deep till you feel completely relaxed.

After completing these steps on your whole body, do it all again but this time faster than the first time.

After you reach the top of the relaxation process, move your thoughts far away from all the routine you are living in, and suggest a wish that you can make after you wake up, say to yourself that you will make it successfully and that you will love your life and your family and friends and that you will forgive them if they have done something wrong, just tell yourself things that you want to do after you wake up.

Relaxing your mind and body will make you maintain your physical and mental health, and self-hypnosis will make you focus more and get rid of stress.

Good luck

8 Tips to deal with naughty children

8 Tips to deal with naughty children

It may seem hard for parents to deal with naughty children, especially if it is their first child and he is stubborn, reckless and do not listen to what you are saying. You can’t just take it easy and let your child act badly. In this article I’ll give you 8 tips to deal with your naughty child.

Do not scream in the face of your child, never!! Screaming instills fear in his mind, and later in his life he will face problems such as fear, a lack of self confidence and self esteem and other mental problems.

Talk with your child! Try to solve problems by talking face to face, in a decent and respectable way. Try to understand your child mentality and talk with him in a way that he understands you, and always make sure to be logical so that you can convince him, and never try to scream.

Talk with your child while you are sitting on your knees, so that you can be small as him, and make sure to look in his eyes while talking. Because if you talked with him when you are not sitting he will be afraid.

Don’t make your children afraid of you, a lot of parents tell their children stories about bogyman “ if you didn’t do this bogyman will eat you” and then when the child do the thing and bogyman don’t “eat” him he will never trust your stories again.

Don’t lie, for example you are going about and you tell your child that you will be back within 2 hours while you are planning to spend the whole evening out. Children trust their parents blindly so try to keep this trust so that he can respect you.

Keep your voice low when you are talking with your child, and also be serious so that he can take you serious.

Try the naughty chair to punish your child, this chair is a place where your child will sit without any kind of fun, he sits in it for 10min when he does something wrong .

Finally give a gift to your child if he does something good or if he stop doing something wrong.

Good luck

Self-discipline your way to success

Self-discipline your way to success

Self-discipline is the first characteristic of successful people, without discipline one cannot make any success in his life. Self discipline is simply the power to control yourself and your desires, for example you are in a party and the next day you have to wake up early here in this situation you have to decide either to stay in the party and enjoy it at its moment or to leave the party to go and sleep so that you can wake up early and ready to work to gain success;

The first enemy of self discipline is boredom; we all know that success needs hard work, and hard work needs discipline and sometimes it gets boring. Here you have to work with “love what you do to do what you love” in mind, so that you can complete the job and success. A lot of people failed because they could not handle boredom, they start a project but after a period of time they get bored and let go, and start a new project… bear in mind that every work you do have 2 sides the fun side and the boring side, and you should handle them both to success…

 Good Luck 

5 Great strategies for success

5 Great strategies for success

The daily practice of the power hour: a lot of experts have talked about this practice, and its concept is to challenge yourself to do something, for example to challenge yourself to exercise for 20min, 20min to read a book, 20min to yoga, 20min to play with the dog and 20min do something else, it made 1 hour that you do something good in each day.

Think on a paper: take a paper and write your problems or goals and then try to find a solution to each one and of course you have to focus while you are doing so.

Write the things that you will do tomorrow in a paper: every night before you sleep write 6 things that you want to do the following day. In the morning take a look at the paper and let it in your packet. This will help you to do all the work you want to make without forgetting it.

Make your car a moving university: in your car put CDs that contain audio lessons.

Mind storming to solve your problems: the idea here is that if you are facing a problem you should sit alone in a calm place then write the problem in a paper, and thinks of 20 solutions within 30min, at the end chose the best solution.

 Good luck

How to make youself happy

How to make youself happy

Have you ever thought about discovering a way to make yourself happy? Maybe you did, but sometimes bad thoughts controls us and we forget to be happy. Happiness is a process it is not a state so you are always in the search of happiness, for example the thing that will make me happy is to get a job, then I will enjoy happiness for a moment, and I will think that I will find happiness when I get married, you get my point! But you can bring some happiness to your life by these little steps.

First step: listen to the music you enjoy; now while I’m writing this article I am enjoying a song that literary make me fly. Music creates a magical thing inside of you, it can make you fly and enjoy every moment in your life, because somehow it talks to you… so don’t forget to enjoy the music.

Second step: enjoy the nature; if you ever feel sad or unhappy go to the sea enjoy its color and the fresh air, if you are sad from something cry and you will find your sadness goes with your tears. Go to the green spaces just don’t stay at home.

Third step: enjoy dark chocolate; every one now knows that dark chocolate make you happy, especially for women, so go and buy some dark chocolate and enjoy it.

Forth step: laugh as much as you can, you don’t necessary need a reason to laugh, just do it and get the hell out of the boring mood you are in, bring old images of you and your friends and laugh (I personally do it all the time).

These are just few things out of a lot of things you can do to be happy, don’t wait someone to come and make you happy, you are good enough to do it by your own! Good luck.

5 things to avoid in your life

5 things to avoid in your life

Successful people usually follow healthy habits in their lives, and tend to have more control over their feelings, thoughts and reactions. Today I’m going to show 5 things to avoid so that you can achieve success in your life:

  • Waste time blaming yourself and others

The past is over, and you have a future that you can do incredible things in! Blaming yourself for things you’ve done in the past will not give you a better future, working hard will! So follow your dreams and hope for the best.

  • Give others authority to control you

Don’t let others decide how your life should be; because they simply put you in a mental prison that limits your abilities, I personally think that if you are stick to what others want you to do you will never find out how creative you can be.

  • Being afraid of change

In the process of living you will definitely change so many times, either because of your personal will or because of the things around you, so always be positive toward change and try to live with it.

  • Trying to satisfy everybody

If you tried to do so you will lose yourself in the process, because it is impossible to satisfy everyone, and if you were good enough and succeeded in this you will surely not satisfy your own self.

  • Give up after failing

Even the most successful people in the planet have once failed, but they successes because they didn’t give up, they kept trying and trying till they got the results that they wanted. For me failing is the best possible way to learn.

And one last thing don’t forget to live and love, love yourself and the others life is short so try to enjoy each and every moment… Good luck

Plan to change your personality

Plan to change your personality

     In order to be successful in life there is a plan to change your personality; Contrary to some beliefs there is not a failure or a successful person! There is a person with potentials and ability to success and work hard; and there is a person who has the same abilities but he does not work hard to achieve success. If you are the second kind, I will show you how to change your personality to become stronger.

First: work on these things…

Work on your personality so that you have a strong will, an ardent passion, great characteristics, excellent morals and successful habits. Try to have a healthy way of thinking and a mature character, and then your life will become calm. Always thing of happy things, because if you did so you will be happy and get a happy life! You can’t change the universe, but you can change the way you think and live.

Second: mechanisms of change…

Your personality consists from a group of behaviors; these behaviors are either good or bad, so if you want to success in life you have to change, and if you want to get rid of your bad habits that consists a bad personality which causes you to fell weak and powerless in front of yourself and in front of others, you have to change, for example some people says: “I will stop smoking when I’m 35” and others says: “I will start a diet next month, so I can enjoy food now” this way these people mess a chance to start now and not tomorrow.

If you want to change you should start from now, without canceling it till tomorrow…

Enjoy your life… Good luck!!!