Plan to change your personality

Plan to change your personality

     In order to be successful in life there is a plan to change your personality; Contrary to some beliefs there is not a failure or a successful person! There is a person with potentials and ability to success and work hard; and there is a person who has the same abilities but he does not work hard to achieve success. If you are the second kind, I will show you how to change your personality to become stronger.

First: work on these things…

Work on your personality so that you have a strong will, an ardent passion, great characteristics, excellent morals and successful habits. Try to have a healthy way of thinking and a mature character, and then your life will become calm. Always thing of happy things, because if you did so you will be happy and get a happy life! You can’t change the universe, but you can change the way you think and live.

Second: mechanisms of change…

Your personality consists from a group of behaviors; these behaviors are either good or bad, so if you want to success in life you have to change, and if you want to get rid of your bad habits that consists a bad personality which causes you to fell weak and powerless in front of yourself and in front of others, you have to change, for example some people says: “I will stop smoking when I’m 35” and others says: “I will start a diet next month, so I can enjoy food now” this way these people mess a chance to start now and not tomorrow.

If you want to change you should start from now, without canceling it till tomorrow…

Enjoy your life… Good luck!!!

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