How to make youself happy

How to make youself happy

Have you ever thought about discovering a way to make yourself happy? Maybe you did, but sometimes bad thoughts controls us and we forget to be happy. Happiness is a process it is not a state so you are always in the search of happiness, for example the thing that will make me happy is to get a job, then I will enjoy happiness for a moment, and I will think that I will find happiness when I get married, you get my point! But you can bring some happiness to your life by these little steps.

First step: listen to the music you enjoy; now while I’m writing this article I am enjoying a song that literary make me fly. Music creates a magical thing inside of you, it can make you fly and enjoy every moment in your life, because somehow it talks to you… so don’t forget to enjoy the music.

Second step: enjoy the nature; if you ever feel sad or unhappy go to the sea enjoy its color and the fresh air, if you are sad from something cry and you will find your sadness goes with your tears. Go to the green spaces just don’t stay at home.

Third step: enjoy dark chocolate; every one now knows that dark chocolate make you happy, especially for women, so go and buy some dark chocolate and enjoy it.

Forth step: laugh as much as you can, you don’t necessary need a reason to laugh, just do it and get the hell out of the boring mood you are in, bring old images of you and your friends and laugh (I personally do it all the time).

These are just few things out of a lot of things you can do to be happy, don’t wait someone to come and make you happy, you are good enough to do it by your own! Good luck.

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