How to face the most embarrassing moments…

How to face the most embarrassing moments…

Awkwardness is one of the strongest and fiercest emotions that anybody can face. And the more people see an embarrassing action from you, the more embarrassed you will be. Here are the most common situations and how to deal with it.

  • A joke that nobody laugh for:

When everybody is listening and you say a joke, but nobody have laugh because they still waiting you to say something funny. In this situation you should be quick, react fast and don’t take it personally, but try to make it funnier and it is recommended to say something like “the next will be funnier” or something like so, but don’t try to change the topic or to quite.

  • Saying inappropriate thing in an offensive way:

Imagine that you are in a restaurant to have lunch with your work friends, and that your boss is with you, knowing that you do not know anything about her, then she gets anxious because a man enters to the restaurant, and she tell you that the man is her ex, and that her husband do not like her to talk with him, and you say “men do not like to be number 2 in a woman’s life” here you should apologies right away because of your words. Here when you apologies you will stop her from taking any negative reaction, also you will give this embarrassing situation an end!

  • A person who make you look like an idiot:

You are in a café with your friends, then a girl that you like come and you wanted to talk with here, but she react negatively. Here try to return back to your friends with a big smile and try to laugh about it and share with them to avoid being the idiot.

Good luck... 

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