8 Tips to deal with naughty children

8 Tips to deal with naughty children

It may seem hard for parents to deal with naughty children, especially if it is their first child and he is stubborn, reckless and do not listen to what you are saying. You can’t just take it easy and let your child act badly. In this article I’ll give you 8 tips to deal with your naughty child.

Do not scream in the face of your child, never!! Screaming instills fear in his mind, and later in his life he will face problems such as fear, a lack of self confidence and self esteem and other mental problems.

Talk with your child! Try to solve problems by talking face to face, in a decent and respectable way. Try to understand your child mentality and talk with him in a way that he understands you, and always make sure to be logical so that you can convince him, and never try to scream.

Talk with your child while you are sitting on your knees, so that you can be small as him, and make sure to look in his eyes while talking. Because if you talked with him when you are not sitting he will be afraid.

Don’t make your children afraid of you, a lot of parents tell their children stories about bogyman “ if you didn’t do this bogyman will eat you” and then when the child do the thing and bogyman don’t “eat” him he will never trust your stories again.

Don’t lie, for example you are going about and you tell your child that you will be back within 2 hours while you are planning to spend the whole evening out. Children trust their parents blindly so try to keep this trust so that he can respect you.

Keep your voice low when you are talking with your child, and also be serious so that he can take you serious.

Try the naughty chair to punish your child, this chair is a place where your child will sit without any kind of fun, he sits in it for 10min when he does something wrong .

Finally give a gift to your child if he does something good or if he stop doing something wrong.

Good luck

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