Time management tips

Time management tips

              Time is the neglected treasure, the majority of people are not aware of the important of time till it is to late…

Time management is the ability to make the best out of your time, and have the balance in your life to reach your goals.
If you want to manage your time successfully, you have to avoid these things:

    - Living without a plan or goal
    - The absence of a future vision
    - Unawareness of the consequences of wasting time  
    - Laziness

           In this article I’m going to teach you how to use and manage your time the best way possible, so that you can reach your goals.

Think about your goals!

What do you want from your life? Do you have any dreams? Think about this and identify what are your goals

What are your roles!

You are a father/mother, a student… you have to identify the goal that you want to reach in every role for example if you are a father your goal will be to take care of your family, if you are a student your goal would be to get a good mark in your exams… etc


Make a list of goals that you want to achieve in every week, for example Monday I will do this and finish it, etc..
The most important thing in this program of time management is to have the will to manage your time and this can only come if you have a goal.

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