Make your own luck

Make your own luck

Some of us think that there are lucky people or “successful people” and there are unlucky people or “unsuccessful”… so if you are a loser, they say you are not lucky and if you are successful then luck was in your side in almost everything in your life.

But what is luck!!

Luck is just a “Law of Probability” that moves through your own control over the circumstances, events, and people around you, you can move it to the good side, or you can move it to the bad side.

That’s why I say that there is no luck; there is a person that worked hard and controlled the circumstances, events and people that can increase the possibility to get what you worked for

But what people call it luck for example to win in lottery, this is not a luck this is a kind of coincidence or gamble where the results are out of your control.
That’s why you should learn how to make your own luck, and control the things around you to get the good results. In this article I will give you 3 steps to do so.

  • Make a research about all the skills and possibilities that you will need to make a job and succeed in it, if you did so you will increase the possibility to success

  • Anything you want in this life no matter how hard it is be sure that you will get it, just do anything possible to increase the chance to get it, even the hard things that you go through can make a difference in your future

I hope you liked this article, and if you have any questions or remarks please let me know in the comment section..

Thank you  

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