stress management strategies


                It seems like there is nothing we can do about stress, sometimes we wish if there are enough hours in the day so that we can deal with the responsibilities that we have, but this may not be an option. In this article I’m going to give you some strategies concerning stress management, but before this you should identify the sources of stress in your life;

What caused your stress? Is it the work, the family, is it a health problem or emotional problem. Try to identify the source of your stress so you can deal with it
What do you do about your stress? Smoke, drugs, sleeping all the day, or telling everybody about your stress. These temporary solutions are not always a good thing. You need healthy and permanent strategies to manage your stress

  • Stress management strategy N° 1: Avoid “no need” stress

Avoid any situation or person that will stress you and ruin your day and if possible end the relationship with this person. Avoid talking about topics that make you stressed religious or political topics for example, try to talk about things that please you  
  • Stress management strategy N° 2: Change the unavoidable

There must be a situation that can’t be avoided or a person that you can’t avoid for example your father, in this case it will be better to face him with your feelings in a respectful way and ask for him to change the attitude that make you stressed, in return you always should ask if there is something you need to change in yourself
  • Stress management strategy N° 3: Adapt to the situation

If the person who stresses you didn’t change its attitude, change yours! Try to look at their attitude from another perspective; don’t give the power to ruin your day
  • Stress management strategy N° 4: Accept things

Don’t try to manage the unmanageable, if a situation or a person does not want to change in any possible way try to accept it and stay cool about it, because simply it’s beyond your control
  • Stress management strategy N° 5: Give yourself a break

Try to relax and forget all the things that stress you communicate with your old friends and have fun. Take care of your health and make sure to get enough sleep


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