How to move on from a breakup

How to move on from a breakup

You have just broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Break ups are not an easy experience for us, and I’m sure there is always a broken heart behind it if not why are you here searching for a solution? :/
 Dear reader, now you are feeling petty for yourself, I know I’ve already felt this feeling but hey! Life goes on! Here is some tips that will help you to move on.
  • Get rid of anything that your ex has bought for you!

Yes dear, even if it’s hard but do it, remembering things from the past will only hurt you, no need for memories!
  • Redecorate you room!

Changing the things around you will give you a feeling of a new beginning, so change the colors of your room!
  • Change your look!

A lot of people change the way they look when they break up, cut your hair, color it, your make up your style this will give you a self confidence
  • Write in a paper!

Write everything that hurts you and burn it, because when you are burning it you will then decide to move on and forget about everything in the past  
  • Find new activities!

Try to change the rhythm of your life, find new activities to do, who know may be your new love story is waiting for you…
With every end there is a new beginning, live & love life is so beautiful…

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