How to deal with your Boss

How to deal with your Boss

                   It’s good to be in a good mood while you are working ha! Yeah true but what if you have a very bad boss who keeps pissing you off every now and then?
In this article I’m going to give you some kinds of bosses and how to stop them from bothering you.
  • The nagging boss

This kind of bosses is the one that make you want to throw yourself from the nearest window. He wants just the opportunity to shout at you, and if you ever made a mistake he will not forget about it, but guess what! He’s easy to deal with!
Keep calm and don’t give him an impression that you are fed up with his words, that’s it!!! If you can ignore all the bad stuff going out of his mouth, you have already dealt with him! Also don’t try to make him feel that you are smarter than him, even if you are; just make him feel that he’s the boss
  •  The non-boss boss

A person who was a boss by chance and there was no other option, he’s not the right person to be the boss, also he lacks confidence and he is not professional
You can easily be a friend of him just by giving him advices and helping him to be a good boss, may be if he develop himself he will someday be the good boss!  
  •        The jail boss

Oh God, once I had a jail teacher and it’s horrible. This kind of personalities tries his best to treat others as if he is treating criminals, gives orders to everyone in the place with no exceptions even if there is a customer and his popular sentence is “if you didn’t do this you will be Expelled”
The best way to deal with his is to respect him and do not talk with him with no reason just stay out of his mind and do your job properly

Actually there are good bosses like my boss :D joking :D but indeed there are good bosses that do respect the employers and treat them nice (20%) :D

If you have any comment please don’t feel shy to comment!

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