How to handle jealousy

How to handle jealousy

                Being with a jealousy partner seems to be a tough thing especially if you are not the calm type of people. And if you didn’t deal with the problem in a proper way you may lose your partner.

Jealousy is the thing that people feel when they notice that their partners’ attention turn to somebody else, it is a normal thing but sometimes it’s hard to handle it. In this article I’m going to give you some steps so that you can handle jealousy.

  • Jealousy = fear + anger

Jealousy is in the first place a fear of losing your partner, so try to understand that your partner is jealousy because he does not want to lose you.
  • Jealousy is a sign of love

Keep in mind that if he/she is jealousy it’s because he/she loves you so much
The reasons behind her/his jealousy
Try to identify the reasons that cause you partner to feel like this, and then solve the problem
  • Talk with each other

Try to convince your partner that he is the one in your heart, and that jealousy may cause you problems in the future

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