Mistakes also have benefits…

Mistakes also have benefits…

Can life have a magical solution as the computer keyboard “Ctrl+z”, that allow as to retreat from our mistakes? Isn’t it good that human have the ability to erase the parts that we don’t want to see in our lives?

Actually these 2 questions are the worst questions that anyone can ask, even if we need to think about it, but it can make a chaos more than it can give us poise.

 The moments of confusion and weakness are the moment that increase our awareness, and enriches our understanding. Even the great people, you can notice there greatness in their weak moments or in their mistakes, the moment that changes their lives was usually a big mistake.

Even Edison, one of the greatest people in the history, the inventor of the electric lamp was always showing off his mistakes, this means that behind his mistakes there is always benefits, “I discovered 1000 of ways that does not make an electric lamp”.

Actually I thing that mistakes are our greatest teachers, we get hurt but in the same time we learn a lot, so I do not have any desire to erase my past mistakes, I will do more just to learn (kidding)

Enjoy your life… Good luck! 

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