Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagination is everything; it’s the window from where you can see all the happy things you dreamed of. It is also the process of creating images in your brain, and this can be a success toll that human beings have through three effective ways:

  • Imagination activates the creative powers that your unconscious mind possesses.

  • Imagination keeps your mind focused by programming your mind to notice existing things that have not been noticed.

  • Imagination attracts people, things, and the opportunities that you need to achieve your goal.

Scientists have discovered that when you do any activity in the real world, your mind will use the same process if you are just imagining these activities. In other words your mind does not recognize any difference between what you imagine and what you really do.

Scientists have discovered also that students who where imagining their activities before doing it have done it with 100% of accuracy, while the students who didn’t use their imaginations have only 55% of accuracy.

How does imagination help to improve your performance?

When you imagine that you have achieved your goals a kind of conflict in your unconscious mind between what you imagine and what you already live in, so your unconscious mind try to solve this conflict by making your own realty change to a new one where your goals start to appear.

Use your imagination to create a better reality…

Good luck

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